Pipelines and steel structures that are used in industry almost every day should be prepared to stand the test of time in almost any conditions. Harsh weather, water, heat and mechanical damage are all real threats that could potentially put the steel structures out of use. As a solution, specialised companies that prep the metals before installation use highest grade paint coatings that make the metals stronger and resistant to damage.

Chemically resistant coatings improve steel durability

Among others, chemicals seem to be one of the greatest dangers that industrial objects come to contact with on a daily basis. Whether it’s equipment that has to work with damaging substances, a pipeline transporting chemicals or any metal structure that could potentially be damaged by external factors, it’s of the highest importance to make sure they can stand the test of time and remain fully functional for years.

Chemically resistant coatings are one of many types of paint-based coating methods used for objects such as pipelines and structures that are bound to come in contact with damaging chemicals while being in use. It’s usually a type of chromate coating, that is applied to the metal structure creating a surface that is resistant to corrosion, improves the overall durability of the object and shows stable electrical conductivity. It’s main function is, by far, corrosion prevention, although well-prepared chemical coatings can be also an effective treatment to do before putting a powder coat.

How to prevent corrosion and improve metal longevity?

Chemically resistant coatings as well as other paint coatings used to strengthen metal objects function well only if the surface was properly prepared beforehand. Using high-pressure cleaning (hydroblasting) and abrasive blasting to even out the surface provides a clean slate for the paint to stick to and stay on longer, while the methods used to apply the coatings make sure it’s all covered properly. Companies like DAAS Group like to use both airless, hydrodynamic painting and manual painting using rollers and brushes as a way to touch-up any imperfections and ensure complete anticorrosion protection for the metal and steel structures.

What coatings can be used other than chemically resistant paints? Depending on the requirements mostly dependent on the environment, specialists use alkyd, epoxy, and polyurethane anti-corrosion paints, intumescent paints, especially good for fire-fighting, heat-resistant paints, paints with high abrasion resistance and dedicated solutions for concrete surfaces. Choosing the right method and solution can improve the quality and durability of an industrial object significantly, making sure repairs won’t be necessary for a long time.