Music is the most subtle form of communication. We can say that there is no field of art which moves or affect the subconscious like this. It isn’t only beautiful, but also incredibly useful – can develop people’s minds, to act therapeutically to create mood, soothe or stimulate. Music today is also an art, entertainment and medicine.

The people noticed for the first time how music influences on our mind and body in 1993. When three scientists from the University of California have discovered “the Mozart effect”. As demonstrated, only a 10-minute excerpt of the composer’s sonatas can contribute to growth of a reasoning skills. The ratio IQ scale is a difference of 8-9 points. After such a spectacular result, in the media began to appear further informations about how important aspect in the upbringing of the child and the formation of the cognitive and emotional music.

It turns out that in constant contact with the music directly shapes our brain structures. Some areas in the brain of a professional musician are simply larger, for example. Commissure great connection between the two hemispheres affecting, among others, coordination of movements, or areas in the temporal lobe is responsible for processing auditory stimuli.

Last year appeared a scientific report about the salutary effects of music on our cardiovascular system. The ninth symphony of Beethoven, Bach’s Cantata 169 and arias such as “Nessun dorma” from Puccini’s opera “Turandot” and “Libiamo nei lieti calici” from Verdi’s “La Traviata“, affect to a breathing rate, heart activity and blood pressure. Some parts played louder stimulate the body and others, played more quietly lowered blood pressure and relaxed. Perhaps soon the doctors will save us not only by pills, but with the music files as well.


This may be one of the reasons why you shouldn’t only listen to classical music, but also play it by yourself. This is a big investment. It is not enough just to buy a musical instrument, but also all its related gadgets. The most beautiful instruments are the string ones, but they are also very delicate. If you want to purchase one of these instruments, you must necessarily invest in the proper case of the highest quality. The best are the insulating cases which protect the instrument from any damages. You won’t have this problem with other instruments, like for example with the piano. It is not mobile enough and you can simply cover it with any other material.