Medical recruitment in Europe had changed completely since the last few years. Nowadays the recruitment process involves not only local potential employees, but is being run more widely – even across the whole world or continent.

Although the health care in Europe already performs the service much above the average rank, many European countries are still struggling with the lack of doctors and professional medical staff. Then, it happens more and more often that authorities are looking for newbie doctors around the continent and do not mind employing foreigners and immigrants.

There are many reasons for taking part in a medical recruitment in a foreign country. The first factor is, of course, the competitive salary. The biggest lack of professional doctors has been noticed in well-developed countries like Sweden, Germany, Norway or UK.

It is quite obvious that the average salaries of those states are much higher than in any other places in Europe. Then, it is not surprising at all that many qualified doctors prefer to obtain much better salary for their job and they don’t mind taking an opportunity to work abroad. The next thing worth mentioning is that working abroad offer creates new possibilities for gaining a professional and international experience.

Staying and being employed in a well-developed country is often connected with working with the best quality equipment, difficult cases and sharing experience with other specialists in a field.This creates a chance for gaining completely new knowledge which may be useful in the future. – says Paragona – leader in medical recruitment.

Medical recruitment is usually led on the net by posting multiple announcements in English. This is why many job offers are easily reachable for foreigners who do not speak the target language. Learning the language is not always a must, but sometimes the lack of this knowledge creates serious problems with communication.

Jobs for doctors

This is why it is recommended to start the language course just after accepting the job offer. Sometimes the language lessons are provided by the employees and, depending on the country, are paid from the salary or just result in the extended length of the contract. Before making the final decision it is really important to get familiar with all of the offered conditions and requirements.

Decision of emigration and starting the work abroad is always a serious issue, so before taking part in a medical recruitment it is necessary to make sure that the particular opportunity is going to truly match our needs and expectations.