Protecting personal data has been in the hands of companies for a long time and the past few years have proven than not everyone was keeping up with highest standard. As a result, the need of creating new international regulations for data protection was born. The General Data Protection Regulation comes into life really soon.
What is it and how to get certified?
The General Data Protection Regulaion (GDPR) is a regulation by which the appropriate parts of the EU government intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the EU.
It also addresses the export of personal data outside the European Union. The main idea is to give the control over personal data back to the citizens and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.
It was designed to replace the data protection directive of 1995, which by now doesn’t really cover all the dangers that await personal data of every single person. The GDPR will become enforceable from 25 May 2018 and it won’t require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, thus being directly binding and applicable.
For the moment, the best international practice standard for information security is the well-known ISO 27001 Information Security Management System. Its current version provides a set of standards and requirements for an information security management system, and establishes accepted control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing measures to protect personal data.
Getting ISO 27001 certification is the best practice that will make the General Data Protection Regulation certification process easy – for more details you can visit ins2outs’s website – global platform for getting easy in understanding the ISO certificates.
General Data Protection Regulation Certification
From 25 May 2018 every organisation operating within the EU and dealing with personal data of EU citizens must comply with the GDPR rules and requirements. The first step to certification is to establish an appropriate data management framework which will help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and enable improvement.
GDPR brings one significant change – it applies to all companies processing the personal data of individuals residing in the EU, regardless of the company’s location. Certifications are also a new feature of formal EU GDPR data protection law.
It started to recognise certifications from approved and accredited certification bodies as an appropriate way for demonstrating compliance to the new GDPR rules.
Certification schemes serve as useful declarations of assurance for clients that wish to work with companies and want to be certain that the company of their choice will provide appropriate security and quality levels.